Wednesday, February 17, 2010

What Really Matters

I am on retreat this week, retreat from business and NGO activity, from keeping all those irons in the fire warm, from pushing looking for the business break-through, from being so immersed in "doing" that sometimes I begin to forget what I'm doing and why.

I have companions on this journey of mine, the journey itself being what matters, not the goals: these companions are people like me who have sold out to God (whom/whatever they take God to be) who have left the world behind and pursue the vision they've been given, the guidance they receive. Through us grace flows, light shines, and yet we experience our journey as one of trials, complexities, difficulties mixed with blessings, ecstasy and transformation - as we are refined, transformed and changed, and have the honour of being present to others in their transformation. My companions include Karl, Karen, Joy, Martin, Don, Heather, Ray, Grace, Marie, Laura and others I recognize as being in early stages of this realization/transformation, who perhaps share with me a journey of increasing healing/integration/wholeness which will one day include the BIG PICTURE, and many others known only to God, but whom I will find some day.

Yesterday, after long conversations with Joy and Karl, after I realized I needed this retreat, then in my usual maintenance of my many Facebook relationships I came upon a couple of statuses that touched this renewed and growing quest for guidance:

"Go Confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined" . Henry David Thoreau

"A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write if he is to be ultimately at peace with himself. What one can be, one must be." -- Abraham Maslow

Now that I'm not battling to keep my head above water of the many business and NGO activities I have been pushing forward, I now find myself being more, seeing more, and appreciating what really matters. For example, I've been with my very good friend Jan the last couple of days as I do every week, supporting him while Marie, his wife is off at the University doing her professorial thing. Jan is suffering from a degenerative brain disease called Multiple System Atrophy (MSA) that has left him needing 24/7 support from Marie, myself, other family members and paid care-givers.

As I was discussing his breakfast options with him this morning he said he'd like something. I commented, but your face doesn't seem to agree with the words you say, and his response was, "it slipped off my face." Well I broke up, and when I told Marie about it, she broke up!! He has the driest humour perfectly situated within his condition we all accept as his normal. His ambivalences manifest physically now unlike the rest of us "civilized" beings who have learned to mask our internal contradictions. The line of an old Genesis song from the Foxtrot album came to mind, "wearing feelings on our faces while our faces took a rest".

You see Jan has lost many capabilities, such as the ability to focus, the ability to separate dream from "reality", etc. and so is usually dealing with hallucinations (dream reality) at the same time as our shared reality. This leads me to the second joke he cracked today. We were engaged one of our favourite activities, eating together, and I was pointing out to him that he had dream objects in his hands, the beer was on the side table beside him. Looking me straight in the eye, he took his dream object to his lips, bit a piece off, brought it back out if front of himself for further consideration and then said with a perfectly straight face: "See, it's still here!" Well I just broke down laughing on the spot, and laughed for a very long time. It was a perfect joke told from within his lived reality as shared by Marie and I. I told her the joke later with Jan, and we all three had a good long laugh about it.

Being with my friend Jan really matters: I have and am learning so much about how we human beings construct reality, about our egos, our identities, about how strong feelings distort our perception, and on and on it goes. But mainly, I am living in love supporting my friends as they support me. This is what really matters, this is what makes life worth living. I am also getting the added gifts of reflection and insight as I started reading to Jan today from Rumi and from Rinpoche's The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying (thank you Lynn for giving them to me for this purpose!). And so I close with a few quotes that are still reverberating through me:

on life and the pursuit of meaning:
I didn't come here of my own accord, and I can't leave that way.
Whoever brought me here will have to take me home.

On joining a community of the spirit:
Be empty of worrying.
Think of who created thought!

Why do you stay in prison
when the door is so wide open?

Move outside the tangle of fear-thinking.
Live in silence.

Flow down and down in always
widening rings of being.

The Many Wines (Coleman Barks explains that wine is a symbol for ecstasy, a kind of wine being a kind of activity of the mind or soul that can lead to ecstasy)

God has given us a dark wine so potent that,
drinking it, we leave the two worlds.

God has put into the form of hashish a power
to deliver the taster from self-consciousness.

God has made sleep so
that it erases every thought.

There are thousands of wines
that can take over our minds.

Don't think all ecstasies
are the same!

Jesus was lost in his love for God.
His donkey was drunk with barley.

Drink from the presence of saints,
not from those other jars.

Every object, every being,
is a jar full of delight.

Be a connoisseur,
and taste with caution.

Any wine will get you high.
Judge like a king, and choose the purest,

the ones unadulterated with fear,
or some urgency about "what's needed."

Drink the wine that moves you
as a camel moves when it's been untied,
and is just ambling about.

From the Foreword to Rinpoche's The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying written by the Dalai Lama:
No less significant than preparing for our own death is helping others to die well. As newborn babies each of us was helpless and, without the care and kindness we received then, we would not have survived. Because the dying also are unable to help themselves, we should relieve them of discomfort and anxiety, and assist them, as far as we can, to die with composure.

From his Preface:
Had I not met my master Jamyang Khyentse, I know I would have been an entirely different person. With his warmth and wisdom and compassion, he personified the sacred truth of the teachings and so made them practical and vibrant with life. Whenever I share that atmosphere of my master with others, they can sense the same profound feeling it aroused in me. What then did Jamyang Khyentse inspire in me? An unshakable confidence in the teachings, and a conviction in the central and dramatic importance of the master.

Likewise I Daniel can say that if I had not been baptized in the Holy Spirit, if I had not met my teacher Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, and if I had not been healed by Abba, our Creator--the loving parent revealed to us by Jesus, then I would have been an entirely different person. I am so grateful for these many realizations, particularly for the centrality of the master or saint is supporting others in breaking free from the fear that binds them so that they can wake up and realize who they really are, beloved children of the one in whom we live and move and have our being. We are each unique, we can each wake up and be free, we can each be transformed, one day we will know as we are known, but until then we have companions on the journey, brothers and sisters all! :)

So this is what really matters. The rest of the details will sort themselves out as time goes on . . . :)

grace and blessings,

your brother Daniel