Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Being, Doing Good, Being in Business

Being: Being happy in your own skin, content and grateful for whatever comes your way

Doing Good: working for the betterment of those given to you, those who choose to work with you, making yourself available to those with needs

Being in Business: doing good business with a preference for providing services to those who also in their own way are doing good

Thus is GLS dezign transforming itself, becoming a company that not only does good work, but it does good! Thus we have started the One Village Foundation Canada Trust, a non-profit organization, in order to raise money for bridging the digital divide in the developing world. We are beginning with Ethiopia: while we are there we will be doing our facts-finding, establishing the level of need, the cost of setting up a digital village (a Wi-Fi connected community centre) so that we can establish the plan for our first project.

But while in Ethiopia, we will also be researching and engaging in various business opportunities, each of which will be designed to strengthen Ethiopia in some way:

  1. Researching how Web design, development and hosting is currently offered in Ethiopia, looking for how we can partner for mutual benefit with anything from outsourcing web development work through to designing and hosting websites for Ethiopian businesses looking for direct access to western consumers;
  2. Researching the construction industry looking for what new manufacturing or service capabilities could do well in (and thus strengthen) the Ethiopian economy, so that we might ask selected successful Canadian businesses to consider setting up a branch in Ethiopia with Canadian government support and our consulting services;
  3. Researching the current state of tourism in Ethiopia as we explore how to strengthen cultural tourism and eco-tourism in Ethiopia through partnerships with InterCulture of the University of Ottawa and Addis Abeba University;
  4. Begin developing a hotel in Woldia, a small city situated at a major crossroads, accessible to many important and attractive tourist destinations in Ethiopia;
  5. Import/Export opportunities we discover as Ethiopia can export to Canada duty free, and needs to develop its export markets.

So follow us to Ethiopia and perhaps in some way join with us in our path: being happy, doing good, doing good business.

Daniel F. Berg, PhD

Web 3.0 Imagineer

GLS dezign.com

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